RDO community repositories

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This organisation is used to group repositories related to the management of RDO community maintained OpenStack packages for Fedora, Red Hat Enterprise Linux and derivatives.

The repositories named openstack-* contain the packaging files related to the trunk tracking smokestack project. The rest are forks of the OpenStack projects themselves, allowing us to use git to manipulate the changes, with the patches within the packages being automatically generated from the git repositories.

Following are the steps to use this workflow:

New redhat-openstack project setup

setup local repo for a $project (if someone else set it up on github)

finish setup of local repo

The above steps are only needed once to setup your local repo. The following are needed each time you want to update a package:

Patch set update process

Ensure all repos are up to date locally:

Rebase specific patches on top of the OpenStack tree:

You can either rebase the patch branch onto a branch:

Use the --interactive rebase option if want to edit/delete commits etc. Also you can git cherry-pick other patches from remotes/openstack/master for example, or directly from gerrit by copy and pasting the cherry-pick commands from there.

Update the patches on master

Update changelog and version in spec file as appropriate and push to the repo

Push updated master-patches back to redhat-openstack. I.E. to github so everyone is synced.

Note a separate branch is not maintained on github until needed. For example if Fedora 19 has the same patches as rawhide, then just git merge those branches in the Fedora project git repositories.